Representing Money and Currency with Money-API

As we mentioned before, money is represented with a numeric value and a currency. In order to represent currencies, implementations of JSR-354 have to implement the CurrencyUnit interface. The following table summarises the methods available in the CurrencyUnit interface. Implementations are required to be immutable and thread-safe.

Method's name Description Example
String getCurrencyCode() Returns the currency code, to currency that follows the ISO will be returned as three characters. BRL for Brazilian Real and USD for US Dollars.
int getNumericCode() Returns the numeric code of the currency, similar to currency code that consists of three digits. 986 for Brazilian Real and 840 for US Dollars.
int getDefaultFractionDigits() Returns the number of digits normally used by currency. BRL has two digits

We will be using Moneta's implementation in this book, the reference implementation for this specification. There are two ways for creating instances of CurrencyUnit in Moneta. The first way is to construct it from the currency code, a three character String.

public class CurrencyExample1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        CurrencyUnit currencyUnit = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
        String currencyCode = currencyUnit.getCurrencyCode();//BRL
        int numericCurrencyCode = currencyUnit.getNumericCode();//986
        int fractionDigits = currencyUnit.getDefaultFractionDigits();//2


The second option is passing the Locale as a parameter, this option could be quite handy in web applications where the Locale can be retrieved from the request.

public class CurrencyExample2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CurrencyUnit currencyUnit = Monetary.getCurrency(Locale.US);
        String currencyCode = currencyUnit.getCurrencyCode();//USD
        int numericCurrencyCode = currencyUnit.getNumericCode();//840
        int fractionDigits = currencyUnit.getDefaultFractionDigits();//2

Now we will discuss how we represent monetary amounts. The MonetaryAmount interface is responsible for this. Implementations of this interface are required to be immutable and thread-safe.

Method Description
<R> R query(MonetaryQuery<R> query) Queries the monetary amount
MonetaryAmount with(MonetaryOperator operator) Applies operations on the monetary amount.
boolean isGreaterThan(MonetaryAmount amount) Returns true if the instance is strictly greater than the value of the passed monetary amount.
boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amount) Returns true if the instance is greater than or equals than the value of the passed monetary amount.
boolean isLessThan(MonetaryAmount amount) Returns true if the instance is strictly less than the value of the passed monetary amount.
isLessThanOrEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amt) Returns true if the instance is less than or equal to the value of the passed monetary amount.
boolean isEqualTo(MonetaryAmount amount) Returns true if the instance is strictly equal to the value of the passed monetary amount.
boolean isNegative() Returns true if the instance is negative.
boolean isNegativeOrZero() Returns true if the instance is negative or zero.
isPositive() Returns true if the instance is positive.
boolean isPositiveOrZero() Returns true if the instance is positive or zero.
isZero() Returns true if the instance is zero.
MonetaryAmount add(MonetaryAmount amount) Adds the value of the instance and the monetary parameter and returns the addition.
MonetaryAmount subtract(MonetaryAmount amount) Subtracts the value of the instance and the monetary parameter and returns the subtraction.
MonetaryAmount multiply(Number multiplicand) Multiplies the value of the instance by the monetary parameter and returns the multiplication.
MonetaryAmount divide(Number divisor) Divides the value of the instance by the monetary parameter and returns the multiplication.
MonetaryAmount remainder(Number divisor) Divides the value of the instance by the monetary parameter and returns the remainder.
MonetaryAmount negate() Negates the monetary value of the instance.
getCurrency() Returns the currency of the monetary amount.

Within Moneta there are three implementations for the MonetaryAmount interface:

  1. Money: The default implementation, it represents the numeric value using BigDecimal.
  2. RoundedMoney: Similar to Money, it represents the numeric value with BigDecimal, however, RoundedMoney allows you to apply a MonetaryOperator on every operation. For example, applying a rounding operation on each arithmetic operation.
  3. FastMoney: An implementation which represents the numeric value with a long primitive, it is the fastest implementation on Moneta, almost fifteen times faster than the previous implementations. However, it has a precision limitation, the precision is limited to five decimal digits.

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