A predicate is a higher order function that when applied to an element in the stream, returns true if the condition holds, or false otherwise. Predicates can be used for filtering (ex: filtering by currency). Here's an example.
public class BooleanMonetaryAmount {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CurrencyUnit dollar = Monetary.getCurrency("USD");
CurrencyUnit real = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
MonetaryAmount money = Money.of(10, dollar);
MonetaryAmount money2 = Money.of(10, real);
MonetaryAmount money3 = Money.of(10, dollar);
MonetaryAmount money4 = Money.of(9, real);
MonetaryAmount money5 = Money.of(8, dollar);
Stream<MonetaryAmount> justDollars = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
boolean anyMatch = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
boolean allMatch = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)