Currency Predicates
Moneta Provides currency predicates that help in filtering based on the currency. These predicates could be inclusive or exclusive as we will show through the examples.
isCurrency(CurrencyUnit... currencies)
: Returns true if theMonetaryAmount
has one of these currencies.filterByExcludingCurrency(CurrencyUnit... currencies)
: Returns true ifMonetaryAmount
doesn't have the passed currencies.
public class PredicateMonetaryAmountCurrency {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CurrencyUnit dollar = Monetary.getCurrency("USD");
CurrencyUnit real = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
CurrencyUnit euro = Monetary.getCurrency("EUR");
MonetaryAmount money = Money.of(10, dollar);
MonetaryAmount money2 = Money.of(10, real);
MonetaryAmount money3 = Money.of(10, dollar);
MonetaryAmount money4 = Money.of(9, real);
MonetaryAmount money5 = Money.of(8, dollar);
List<MonetaryAmount> justDollar = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
.filter(MonetaryFunctions.isCurrency(dollar)).collect(Collectors.toList());//[USD 10, USD 10, USD 8]
boolean anyDollar = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
boolean allDollar = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
List<MonetaryAmount> notDollar = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
.filter(MonetaryFunctions.filterByExcludingCurrency(dollar)).collect(Collectors.toList());//[BRL 10, BRL 9]
boolean anyMatch = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)
boolean allMatch = Stream.of(money, money2, money3, money4, money5)