RoundedMoney Factory methods

In the following example, we show some static factory methods that could be used to instantiate RoundedMoney. One of the overloads expects a MonetaryOperator that is used as a “rounding agent”. Keep in mind that rounding is whatRoundedMoney provides.

public class RoundedMoneyCreation2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CurrencyUnit currency = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
        MonetaryAmount money = RoundedMoney.of(BigDecimal.TEN, currency, MonetaryOperators.rounding()); //BRL 10
        MonetaryAmount zero =;//BRL 0
        MonetaryAmount moneyFromCurrencyCode = RoundedMoney.of(10, "USD");//USD 10
        MonetaryAmount moneyFromCents = RoundedMoney.ofMinor(currency, 100_00);//BRL 10

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