The class MonetaryAmountFormatSymbols

The MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilders function is similar to DecimalFormat with regards to the Number class. The goal is to format the moneys object using a specific configuration. The configuration can take into account currency, minimum and maximum digits, quantities before and after the comma and other properties.

public class MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilderExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MonetaryAmountFormat defaultFormat = MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilder.newInstance().build();
        MonetaryAmountFormat patternFormat = MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilder.of("¤ ###,###.00").build();
        MonetaryAmountFormat localeFormat = MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilder.of(Locale.US).build();

        CurrencyUnit currency = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
        MonetaryAmount money = Money.of(12, currency);
        String format = defaultFormat.format(money);//$12.00
        MonetaryAmount moneyParsed = Money.parse(format, defaultFormat);//or using defafult.parse(format);


There is the possibility to define which implementation will be used to serialization. The functional interface MonetaryAmountProducer allows the creation of MonetaryAmounts using a Number and a Currency. Moneta provides three producers, one for each implementation:

  • The FastMoneyProducer producer, for MonetaryAmounts using the FastMoney implementation.
  • The MoneyProducer producer, for MonetaryAmounts using the Money implementation.
  • The RoundedMoneyProducer producer, for MonetaryAmounts using the RoundedMoney implementation. This class has two constructors: the first one has the MonetaryOperator as a parameter which will be used in the creation of all RoundedMoney objects. The second is the default constructor; it will use MonetaryOperators.rounding() as the MonetaryOperator for object creation.
public class MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilderExample2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CurrencyUnit currency = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
        MonetaryAmount money = Money.of(12, currency);

        MonetaryAmountFormat formater = MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilder.of(new Locale("pt", "BR")).
                withCurrencyUnit(currency).withProducer(new MoneyProducer()).build();

        String format = formater.format(money);//R$ 12,00
        MonetaryAmount moneyParsed = Money.parse(format, formater);//or using defafult.parse(format);


Similarly to the DecimalFormat class, MonetaryAmountFormatSymbols can use a String as a formatting pattern. The regex follows the same standardization as in DecimalFormat.

public class MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilderExample3 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MonetaryAmountFormat patternFormat = MonetaryAmountDecimalFormatBuilder.of("¤ ###,###.00").build();

        CurrencyUnit currency = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");
        MonetaryAmount money = Money.of(12, currency);
        String format = patternFormat.format(money);//$ 12.00
        MonetaryAmount moneyParsed = Money.parse(format, patternFormat);//or using defafult.parse(format);


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