Sorting by the Exchange Rate

Sorting can be applied on the exchange rate, but this requires providing an implementation of ExchangeRateProvider. For example given a list of [10 USD,11 BRL,9 EUR], sorting them by the ascending order will result in [11 BRL,10 USD,9 EUR] because BRL has a lower exchange rate than USD, and USD has a lower exchange rate than EUR.

public class SortMonetaryAmountExchange {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CurrencyUnit dollar = Monetary.getCurrency("USD");
        CurrencyUnit euro = Monetary.getCurrency("EUR");
        CurrencyUnit real = Monetary.getCurrency("BRL");

        MonetaryAmount money = Money.of(9, euro);
        MonetaryAmount money2 = Money.of(10, dollar);
        MonetaryAmount money3 = Money.of(11, real);

        ExchangeRateProvider provider =

        List<MonetaryAmount> resultAsc = Stream.of(money, money2, money3)
                .collect(Collectors.toList());//[BRL 11, EUR 9, USD 10]

        List<MonetaryAmount> resultDesc = Stream.of(money, money2, money3)
                        .sortValuableDesc(provider)).collect(Collectors.toList());//[USD 10, EUR 9, BRL 11]


results matching ""

    No results matching ""